Evan - thank you for this juxtaposition of holding multiple thoughts in one heads while trying to make sense of things. I am heading to London/UK next week - part biz, part explorer and part meet my Cornish ancestors. You have set the stage for my trip. I wish you the best on your C journey. Your attitude is amazing and a lesson onto itself.

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Mazel Tov Evan on your daughter's wedding. Your message here is on point, as usual. Evolution is necessary and fundamental to growth and success. So is understanding your audience, consumer, customer and so many assume they know who they are, but don't know what makes them tick. Wishing you strength and resilience ahead.

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I am humbled and motivated by your strength of character and ability to distill information. As a practitionier of voice-of-consumer research, the following comment caught my attention:

"Most Media C-Suites have no idea who their users are, and even less about what they want. The result? A truly shitty user experience for audiences everywhere – a cacophonous, unnavigable tower of content babel." Yet, just when they need us most, Media companies are decimating research budgets and eliminating primary research staff positions.

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(First: the email says I am getting it gratis but I have paid for a subscription.) I think it was Steve Jobs who said something like people don't know they want something new until you give it to them. Obviously there is a lot of market research being done by media to understand their current audiences' reaction to current offerings. Leveraging your London analogy; there is a lot of grass roots experimentation being done by small media/content firms that the big players are watching, incubating, and funding. When something innovative hits on a small scale, they will do the media equivalent of VCs and blow it up quickly for a (targeted) mass audience.

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Curious if there's an examples you can share of "grass roots experimentation being done by small media/content firms that the big players are watching, incubating, and funding"?

I have seen Piedmont Media Research doing some interesting modelling for studios. So genuinely interested if you can share any examples of companies to look at with interesting innovations?

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Here's one: https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disney-accelerator/ Universal, Sony, Warner Bros Discovery have similar programs.

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You are remarkable, man. Clear-eyed, clear minded, clear voiced, clear heart. While reading this extraordinary piece by you, I thought several times of one of the most important books I've ever read, Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning." It it, he recounts how he maintained hope living through the Holocaust. You do justice to his fundamental "Yes, And," philosophy. You are loved, and you are Love for Life...

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It's on my nightstand! Thank you Steve!

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I agree, a profound book.

Evan, you are amazing. What an example of yes and. Xoxo

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Jun 10Liked by Evan Shapiro

Mazel tov on your daughter’s wedding - wishing your family much continued joy and nachas. And renewed vigor and good health for you, dear friend. You have the good wishes of so many - hope you felt the admiration and affection from everyone in the room at Streaming Media. You are making a difference in this crazy world - amen. Go get ‘em at egta!

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Love this! This is why I love London. The constant evolving. As someone inside the Media Apocalypse and feeling its full effects, this newsletter is a much needed injection of firm positivity. We all need it. Wishing you a smooth ride with your next treatment. 💛

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This is the happiest most optimistic newsletter I think you’ve ever written! Love it! Mazel tov on your daughter’s wedding and best of luck, love and strength with your new treatment. And good for you for advocating for yourself and trusting that was something was wrong and it wasn’t just part of the healing process! Not that I would expect anything less from ESHAP!

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Jun 10Liked by Evan Shapiro

Stay strong Evan. I have another scan next Monday. Scanxiety is already starting. It's an odd way to live, but I've started to get better at accepting what it has become.

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👊🏻 💪🏼

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Jun 10Liked by Evan Shapiro

Hey Evan, I love that you love our town. I love it too…but thank you for the reminder on why we love and live it so much. It creates so much so powerful. Stay strong and all the best for your next challenge. Let me know when you fancy a pub crawl.

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Thanks and will do!

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And a few of those former media folks from London, have now invaded America. I will say I do love living here. Get well, brother. F.

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